We, at OFCO, wish you courage, hope, and strength, to overcome all the hurdles you may face this year. May 2023 be a prosperous year for you. Let us continue to help you with any filter needs you may have this year.
Two types offered: Standard In-Tank Style and External Tank Mounted Style
There are times system flow lines require high speed movement. This could cause serious damage to the operation and especially to pumps, if not controlled. When this high speed fluid returns to the reservoir it causes air bubbles in the fluid already in the tank. If these bubbles reach the inlet line and flow into the pump, they will implode and cause critical damage to the pump.
Properly sized diffusers slow the return flow down keeping it in check once it reaches the tank fluid, therefore, reducing or eliminating the bubbles. When the returning fluid passes through the diffuser, the 3/32” holes reduce the speed. This is a low cost item but well worth the investment to save pump operation. For more information, click on the links to both styles of tank diffusers we offer. They are offered with NPT and SAE straight thread connections. They can also be made with a hose bead/barb connection but it is not a standard item.
It’s a necessity, fluid passing through the inlet line should be clean in order to protect the pump, the “heart” of the system. Do you have a low-flow application? OFCO makes a simple, low cost suction strainer to help. Our “AP” model can effectively help in suction line straining. It is a “disposable” type strainer made of all nylon and has the equivalent of 30 mesh (595 micron) level of filtration. These are excellent for use in applications such as de-ionized water, salt water, some chemicals and coolants, lubricating oils, and even hydraulics. They will not corrode and are very economical. Pipe sizes available are up to ¾” npt and rated for up to 3 gpm. For more information, go right to the catalog page on our website for more information.
First of all, cloudy oil is a good indication that there is water in it. In some cases, however, smaller amounts of water are not visible to the naked eye. Here are 3 areas where moisture/water can enter the system.
Water contamination will enhance the aging process of oil which can only result in multiple problems for any system. Water being the second most damaging form of contamination should be kept out of the system ensuring a smooth running operation instead of poorly running one.
In 1944, three men had a vision to solve hydraulic issues and keep oil clean as an aid to keeping machinery operations running smoothly. Since the beginning, 78 years ago, OFCO has continued with the same philosophy. Value-oriented products and customer service keeps customers coming back. Quality “Made in the USA” products since 1944 sets us apart from other manufacturers. Our customer service, does the same. After all, what is customer service? Simply stated, it is “conduct contributing to the advantage of another.” From the beginning we set service standards as our goal, not necessarily dollar volume or profit margins. We believed that if we could meet certain goals from service and productivity standpoints, the money part would take care of itself. It has.
The bottom line is getting all the right products to the right customer in an efficient manner. It’s hectic sometimes but we always do our best in meeting our customer’s needs. They are the reason we are able to continue in business. There is however, a second bottom line to the story. After all is said and done, our “mission,” is, also, to fulfill the creative needs of our employees while delivering the best quality products. We are meeting these goals and having a whole lot of fun along the way. Give us a call, send us an e-mail, or send a fax, to see how we can help you with our standard product line or in manufacturing custom filters or strainers.
1. Name the basic components required in a hydraulic system.
2. Name the three popular construction types of positive displacement pumps.
3. What is the purpose of a hydraulic motor and how does it differ from the hydraulic pump?
See answers to questions below
Hydraulic Components Answers